CCTV Software Solutions (Download a Demo OR Book Presentation with this zero cost product)
With SensoryAI, we provide sophisticated CCTV software that can be hosted in the cloud, on premises or even on a Raspberry Pi or Android device.
The software platform support includes ARM and x86 architectures, and operating systems support includes Linux, Windows, Mac and Android.
Sophisticated architectures can be accommodated which includes live stream, FTP, E-mail and other carriers for images and videos.
We have IoT support (GPIO and modbus), plus triggers can be basic or include sophisticated AI algorythms, even custom developed solutions on AI are possible.
Download links are available on request and running software will automatically activate trial mode (allowing for up to 8 hours of operation and 1 hour of AI features).
30 day demo licenses are also available oin request. is owned and operated by Teclab SP.